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Single in the city: ghost men and the state trooper

And the season of ghost men is upon us I have had 2 men that I dated a year or two years ago and they recently tried to appear again . I do not understand this whatsoever I guess when you walk away with no reason or anything it's safe to say that you won't return back , but then they always return . This is not to say that they all do but I have had more than enough and they never want to talk about why they went away just want to move forward and I am just not having it or dealing with it .

he state trooper set up 3 dates and they never happened he "fell asleep, or had to work " over the last Month he has worked , been in austin, or the border training as the weeks progressed the contact was less . I mentioned to him this he asked me to give him more time which i was going to do until he went ghost these last 3 days so I just blocked him last night and will be moving forward .

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