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Me and My Saving Goals -Day 1

They say it takes 21 days to form a Habit . This can go into play with Fitness, studying , Just life .

Who enjoys living paycheck to paycheck ? I do not know anyone on this planet that would be perfect okay with this , I think my moment of reflection came into play when I made the decision to file for Bankruptcy . Having to fill out those forms explain your expenses to a judge it a heck of a lot of things in perspective for you.

I joined a few Facebook groups that gave great tips on bringing more income, budgeting and saving .

The first one I signed up for is a Free 5 week course by the Money Maven herself Patrice Washington :

The first thing I did was sit down and wrote out :

all of my bills for the month how much and when they were due

How much I brought home

How much I have left

The second thing I did was pulled my credit report up to sit down and go through all of my debt.

So I had to figure out How was I going to save anything because Once I took a look at my budget after my take home pay it was very depressing . So a couple of quick ways to gets some additional Cash :



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