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30 Facts about MOI

  1. I am messy and overly detailed at the same time

  2. I love Mexican food Like eat it every day love it

  3. I am avid shoe lover sitting at a little over 100 pair

  4. ^^this also holds true for handbags

  5. I will sort an outfit around a shoe

  6. Im not really a jewelry nut I will get costume pieces but they are usually for special occasions.

  7. I am a total girly girl I love pink feminine colors

  8. I love sports (football of course basketball i love it all)

  9. I watch more ESPN than my local news

  10. I have a old soul prefer the classics (music movies)

  11. I am a helicopter parent (it's very bad I have tried the older they get to ease up but it intensifies)

  12. I over do things (just about everything in life )

  13. I also over analyze just about everything this has broken relationships and helped me weed out bad people in my life

  14. i'm pretty patient to a certain extent

  15. with that being said liars and manipulative people usually get cut out of my life pretty quickly

  16. I can not bake (pastries fudge never ask to eat a cake i made lol )

  17. ^with that being said I can cook my behind off lol

  18. I have 500 boxes in my home but when you look inside they are neatly packed

  19. like controlled chaos I will have several things going on and you may not even know

  20. I am shy contrary to my loud personality

  21. I am a hopeless romantic but also a feminist I said i like controlled chaos lol .

  22. I've never met a stranger, I have a tendency to speak to someone in line and start up a conversation with them .

  23. I am usually shy while dating (sooo strange I know )

  24. I have several walls up with letting people into my life

  25. I am very aware that I am very tough to get to know and I have my strange traits but when you get past it I am a teddy bear.

  26. I love dogs all dogs no matter what breed my two pups are rescue pups and they are like my other kids.

  27. I've lived in 3 different states in 1 year

  28. I love to travel and Over the last 10 years I've driven from California all the way up to Washington D.C.

  29. I am a huge foodie with Mexican being my favorite when I travel I like to hit the favorite spot of the locals

  30. I am determined to have my own business and to employ other woman that want their own as well .

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